Vacation Slip ‘N Slide

Any appliance with a live water hookup has the possibility of springing a leak at any moment. Appliances can malfunction, water connection lines can break and household plumbing can fail.. all chances water could leak into unwanted areas. Keep your Slip ‘N Slide fun outside – prevent large water leaks by shutting off your household […]
Critter Proof?

Grilling is a year round enjoyment, but a few winter maintenance steps can prevent problems from critters and corrosion! Critters love to hide out in unused grills – the lid and cabinet provide perfect protection from the elements and leftover bits of meat and grease make a nice supply of food. Corrosion can develop from […]
Hearing Noises?

Let the experts from Frigidaire explain many of the noises new refrigerators make. Your refrigerator might look a little different than this one, but don’t worry, the tips may still apply so feel free to give them a try. Hearing noises? Don’t worry, it’s perfectly normal. Your new high-efficiency refrigerator makes a variety of […]